Friday, December 31, 2021

Trouble shooting my Creality Ender 5 Plus

Man-o-man it's been a journey working with my Creality Ender 5 Plus, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  You see, my Ender 5 Plus is my first 3D printer and my first major dive into the world of 3D printing.  I'm a tinkerer/engineer, so I'm no stranger to have to trouble shoot and fix things, but when you're unaware that there is a problem in the first place, that's a different story.  I have just realized that my prints have been leaning in the Y direction, like all of them!  Many of my first prints were short in height, so I didn't pay that much attention to it, but as my prints became taller it has become more apparent that there is a huge slant to my prints.  So I just spent the last couple of days and a newish spool of PETG trying to figure out what was causing this slant.  I am now prepared to share my findings with you.  

** SPOILER ALERT check for smooth Y travel**
When I originally purchased the Ender 5 Plus and assembled it I recalled feeling a very noticeable "bump/stop" in the Y axis travel.
I didn't do much at that time to try to resolve it.  Now that I'm aware of the leaning prints I understand that the "bump" is causing the Y stepper motor to lose a fraction of a step periodically during the print.  

**Check the POM bearings and eccentric nut compression.**
So I loosened the compression on the eccentric nut until I could just barely make the POM rollers spin without making the Y axis move (I did this in attempt to make the Y axis move smoothly without any "bumps"). 
I noticed great improvement in the vertical straightness in the print that I was making and thought that the problem was solved.     
I've gone back to check the smoothness of travel on the Y axis since the print and I see that the "bump" has come back.  I know that it's the "bump" that is causing the loss of steps in the Y, but I don't know exactly what is causing the "bump".   I suspect the POM bearings, but there could also be some defect in the extruded AL. I will keep you posted. 


Monday, September 6, 2021

Mouse Mover 2 Pre-Order

 Well it's finally here, the Mouse Mover 2 Pre Order List.  So if you're here, then you've more than likely have seen the video of the Mouse Mover 2.  So in order for me to make this product available to you I need to have a minimum amount of 100 orders.   Send an email to with your Name, address, and contact number (US only).  The time window for the Pre-Order list will be from Sept 6 thru Oct 31st at 11:59 am.  Please feel free to share the video so that we can get the minimum order quantity.  

If you're here and you haven't seen the video check it out below