Monday, October 28, 2013

He's going all tha way!

Big CONGRATS! to Kyle Castlin for completing the main portion of his senior project.  Kyle wanted to do something with robotics and programming.  He wanted to do this and had very little prior knowledge in either so that alone is commendable.  Since he likes basketball and is good at it, we decided to incorporate that into his project.  What Kyle built is basically a mock up for something that would be in a full size gym.  The tennis ball represent regular basketballs.  Basically, as you shoot a ball in the hoop the robot would be responsible to sending it back to you.  But that's just scratching the surface of what you could do with this project.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Senior Project update!

Wow things are really shaping up with Kyle's Senior project.  This young man is in the process of putting the finishing touches on the structural portion of the "machine".

  Mocking it up.

 Quick inspection
 The hopper
 Putting on the flaps
Ta Da!